Friday, July 23, 2010

Where do some of you guys work that have Piercings(facial) or tattoos?

I am going back to skool, and I am going into the nursing field! and I know that piercings and tats are not ';professional'; but I dont think that it is right to have to give up a part of who you are!

thanks you guys =)Where do some of you guys work that have Piercings(facial) or tattoos?
I have a small rose tatoo on my ankle that I got about 6 years ago and it looked so cute for awhile, but over the years the black outline they used has begun to spread and now you can't see the green of the leaves or the red of the petals. It looks like a big dark smudge on my leg. What a waste of my money for something ugly that I'm stuck with. GGRRRRWhere do some of you guys work that have Piercings(facial) or tattoos?
i work for the city of waco at the waco convention center . i have 6 piercings 4 in the ears, eyebrow and tongue and keep mine in.
Most employers will consider it unprofessional and may hire someone equally (or less) qualified with no visible piercings or tattoos. I have tattoos but they are located in places which will be pretty much covered when in business attire. The one on my ankle may show if I wear a skirt but is usually covered by my shoes.

Part of being a nurse is helping patients to feel comfortable. Since many people don't feel comfortable around people with a lot of piercings or tattoos, that may be a good enough reason for you to be very selective about placement.

It may not be fair or right that society considers such things unprofessional. But, that's just how it is. If I could have it my way we'd all just go to work in whatever we felt like wearing that day instead of having to wear uncomfortable business clothes or uniforms.

So, you just have to decide which is more important to you. Being able to express yourself freely or not having to worry about getting a good job.
i think people are more lenient these days, you should be fine. If you were male, i'm sure it would be easier though. They seem to be able to get more jobs in the nursing field.

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