Monday, July 26, 2010

Does Shaving Facial Fuzz Make It Grow Back Thicker?

ok im 14 i want a mustache but no a big hitler mustache does shaving the fuzz make it grow back thicker?Does Shaving Facial Fuzz Make It Grow Back Thicker?
yes! it does. if u want it thinner, u wax :)Does Shaving Facial Fuzz Make It Grow Back Thicker?
Shaving or waxing does not affect hair growth. Hair growth is controlled by DNA inherited from both parents and hormones. All hairs have a life cycle. A Hair grows to a certain length and falls out and is replaced by a new hair. The new hair tapers to a fine tip till it is cut. Once a hair is cut by shaving, it may look thicker because the hair no longer has the fine tapered tip of an uncut hair and is bluntly cut across a thicker portion of the hair shaft. The growth of the hair is not affected by shaving since shaving has no effect on a guy's inherited DNA or hormones.

Scroll down to Urban Legend #2 at the link:鈥?/a>

A mustache doesn't really suit a 14 year old even if he could grow one, and he sure isn't doing himself any favors by not shaving the peach fuzz since no one wants to see a mustached 14 year old. Adults and teen aged girls alike want to see clean cut 14 year old boys! That's why most private high schools don't allow facial hair. A peach fuzz mustached 14 year old looks like a kid trying unsuccessfully to look older than he is. If he is clean shaven no one knows if he can grow a mustache so his appearance doesn't tell everyone he is a young teenager trying to look older and actually can look older if he has a neat short haircut and wears clothes like college guys instead of sloppily dressed mop haired middle school boys.
Ok either ';Debby F'; is a retard or is 10 yes old, because she knows nothing about how the body works and what the effects of shaving are. It pisses me off when people who don't know what they're talking about answer questions with such arrogant confidence. If u don't know, don't answer! YES it grows back thicker but the hairs u have now are so thin that even if they were 3x thicker it wouldn't look bad. I personally don't like the virgin fuzz haha the sliiight thickness makes a difference ;)

thicker and faster.
That is not even possible. Shaving does not affect what happens to the beard beneath the skin.

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