Monday, July 26, 2010

Describe the facial expression of a dead person?

hi, I need to describe the facial expression of a dead person in my creative writing piece. Please help, cuz I'm real stuck!Describe the facial expression of a dead person?
I imagine a calm death of somebody who died from old age, in which case it would be peaceful, emotionless, empty, grey or a combination of those.

Depending on the situation you could also get an unhealthy or tired expression (maybe combined with peaceful as expressing relief for an ended suffering). Sometimes if people are seriously ill they lose a lot of weight and change their looks a lot in the final stage of their lives.Describe the facial expression of a dead person?
Lifeless, motionless, cold, hard, unemotional, expressionless, empty.

Hope I've helped.

Edit; When I walked into the room I was about to see her dead body, one look and I knew. Her mouth was wide open and there was not a motion in her face, no twitching, no nostrils flaring and no spirit left inside of her body. Looking at her mouth it looked like her spirit just slipped out of her body from her mouth and left in such a hurry that her mouth was just left ajar.

It was just a shell from which she no longer was a part of. Her mouth was open and drooping and there was no control over her expressions just a blank look. It looked so cold and unemotional.

I walked in to view the body in the morgue, her body was motionless and stiff, she looked as if she was sleeping peacefully but the lifeless unemotional expression made me realise that she was never going to take a breath again. Yet she still looked like she could open her eyes at any moment and speak to me. Her last breath has been taken and her heart beats no more. The spirit seemed no longer attached to her body but peacefully floating above her. It was a corpse, not a vessel for her spirit to travel in anymore but an empty shell where once existed a person full of life and energy. Now only memories remain, she is no longer connected to that flesh.
Um, peaceful, emotionless, cold, calm- maybe a thesaurus will help you :)
The face generally has no expression.Kind of like the person is sleeping.
Well it depends how they died I suppose.

Or if they had a face?
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