Friday, July 23, 2010

What do you think about facial piercing?

My 14 year old neighbor girl has a hunk of curved metal thru her bottom lip and a tiny diamond on her nostril. Got me to wondering what other people think about it.What do you think about facial piercing?
I don't think it's a good idea to allow school aged children to have facial piercings in school. It's a risk factor that just isn't worth risking a lifelong facial deformity over.

I remember when I went to school %26amp; when girls got angry, the first thing they'd go for were the ears %26amp; if there were pierced ears, they'd get ripped out first %26amp; the blood would stop them cold %26amp; send them running to the nurses office. We'd see them days later with their ear lobes stiched up or they had a slit in them for the rest of their lives.

It just should not be. Someone needs to take a stand %26amp; stop the business of making money from children who have no idea of the serious consequences of these fashionable piercings that are being sold in every mall in America. It should be regulated. The dangers are not being shared with the public. Far too many infections come from improperly trained people with a piercing gun or a set of hollow point surgical piercing needles! There should be tougher laws...sorry, I know this will get lots of TD's. I have seen some beautiful piercings, but they were done on adults by certified %26amp; specially trained tattoo %26amp; piercing professionals....not part time mall employees with a felt pen %26amp; a $20 piercing gun from a Beauty Supply Shop! Accountability is being left out the the equation of the piercing craze! Who pays for the pain of the infections %26amp; scars after the jewelry is long gone from the faces of the children getting these things? Most employers require them to be removed when you go to work. Same thing should apply for schools. Too much risk %26amp; it attracts the wrong type of attention!What do you think about facial piercing?
Glad I'm not the only one with these views regarding piercings. I see far too many teenagers with body jewelery that has been poorly maintained. It's a sad statement for the industry that promotes this fad. Thanks. Report Abuse

I think it is stupid.
I think they are ugly and distracting. That said, I also think they are a relatively safe way for teens to assert their independence. Piercings are not permanent and when the time comes to ';put away childish things'; they can simply take them out. A tattoo on the other hand is permanent, but even a small tasteful tattoo is something I can live with. I would rather see this behavior than drugs or drinking or sexual experimentation. I am surprised at myself that I seem to have grown more tolerant with age instead of less so. Someone answered that they were okay with piercings when it involved long standing cultural practices. Teens have their own culture and piercings seem to be a current part of that culture. Of course, like anything else, it can be carried too far.
To each there own . It would be a boring place if everyone looked the same and as far as what I think , why should they care???
i don't like it.....
I find it distasteful
14 is to young to make decision that will stay with her for life Whats with the parent that signed to let her get it done
Pierced ears are fine, but when it comes to the tongue, lip, upper ears, eyebrow, side of nose, nipples, navel and scrotum, it gives a new meaning to ';art';. My son's best friend had all the above and played football at Boston U. He graduated with a degree in business and interviewed without his piercings for a position in banking, at least the ones you could see. To this day he has holes all over his body . . . . tell me that is beautiful!
I don't think that it looks good on anyone. I also don't think tatoos look good on anyone. But I have learned in life that you can't judge a book by its cover. I don't know why people are drawn to these things but its their business.

I would never allow my child to do either of these things. They would have to wait until they were on thier own. Simply because people can have a lot of whims in their youth and regret them later.
I do not understand why anyone thinks they want to do anything like that. I especially do not like the ear things where they have the big holes. I can almost stand the diamond. I do not mind it on the cultures where it has been done for ages.
I really don't care for that. It makes me think self mutilation and why do that to yourself?

I do love my pierced earings, however. lol
I think It makes males look scary and females look cheap...I have seen a few with a very small nose piercing that isn't too offensive but still think you should leave your face the way God gave it to you. A neighbor boy had gotten a ton of piercings and my husband gave him a lecture about first impressions that people get when you have piercings...he just laughed it off, but a few years later now he doesn't have any..took them out and all the holes healed ...I think it may be just a phase that they go through.
I think maybe a small piercing, like a gem in the nostril, is acceptable, but facial piercings can go overboard!
I have a grand daughter that has her upper lip pierced and her nose.I wonder how she will look when she ages and the holes sag.The one on her lip is by her nose...To each their own I guess....
I think they will live to regret the stupidity of something so scarring and perminent....more than that I will not say. To each his own...I am wondering what the hell these people are going to do with all the tattoos I see all over bodies, ear lobes stretched beyond every healing up, piercings on every concievable body part...these people have lost their minds....better them than me! Phil
I don't like it. Advised my daughter when she wanted it done wait till she was 18 and out of the house. after she moved out got her tongue pierced, only kept it about 4 months then the fad wore off. (Thank God)
well I dont think it looks very good..I know im old and all but would you hire someone to work for you with that mess? It cant be very clean.ooh think about the germs not to mention the pain if someone got mad at her and pulled it out..
I don't get it. But I am far from 14. I do take note of them when I see them I am always curious so I guess it does get them attention.

It is not very appealing. Makes a person look cheap. IMHO
Why would anyone want to mutilate there face!? I think its really ashamed that pretty 14yr olds want to mare up there bodies like that,some day they would wish they had not hurt themselves.

It is a turn off and unattractive, sorry. I've never liked it on anyone I saw. I'm wondering what the heck is going on where everyone is getting multiple tattoos and piercings? It's turning into a bit of a craze.
I detest it. My grandaughter wants to get one in her nose. She is thirteen but I feel is too young. A lot of her friends have had it done but I just can't bring myself to allow her. I paid fifty dollars twice to get her ears done in 14c gold because she is allergic to other metals and she left the earrings out and her holes grew in!
Love em. I think 14 may be a bit too young but other than that go for it. I, myself want my eyebrow, nose and lip pierced.
I have heard about the ones that get tongue piercings and end up cracking and ruining their teeth. Way too much of it going on these days. I personally don't like them.
I think its a disgusting thing to do to one's body. Also tattoo's .
I hate it.
Eeeooowwwww, gross.
I have them. I have my labret, monroe and now dimples. Not scary or trashy at all. I take them out when needed and put them back in when done. I do think that one can go overboard with them. But hey to me it is a work of art and I say go for it!

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